Tech and Work History

Drivomate was established in 2020 with a clear vision – to revolutionize the driving experience by utilizing cutting-edge technology and innovative Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) features

  • The company’s primary goal has always been to enhance road safety and reduce accidents caused by careless and risky driving.
  •  Since its inception, Drivomate has remained dedicated to providing safe and compatible driving solutions at an affordable cost to all users.
  • Throughout its history, Drivomate has consistently prioritized excellence and continuous improvement, resulting in the acquisition of multiple patents.
  • The company has got widespread recognition for integrating state-of-the-art technology and safety features into its products, specifically designed for the Indian ecosystem.

As Drivomate continues to evolve, it remains firmly committed to its founding principles. By pushing the boundaries of technological advancements and driving culture, the company strives to have a positive impact on road safety, enabling drivers worldwide to drive responsibly, confidently, and safely.